
I'm just copying my father


Making Lemon Wine

First Published: 2022 April 25

Draft 1

Since I first gave up my blog1, I have started homebrewing.2 One thing that I’ve really enjoyed making, and so have therefore made a few times, is lemon wine. I vaguely follow a recipe, though I often make it weaker, and I never start with a wine ferment. It tends to end up tasting like lemonade, which is really nice and generally appreciated in the spring and summer months that I’ve made it in the past.

I’ve started a new batch this past weekend, and I’m very excited for it. The fermentation seems to have taken off very well, and I look forward to maybe updating on the results from this as I keep fermenting it.

  1. 2019↩︎

  2. Obviously not until I was 21, any accusations to the contrary are clearly meant to malign my character.↩︎