
I'm just copying my father


Novel Update

First Published: 2022 April 23

Draft 1

As I mentioned in my goal for the month, I really wanted to reach 60000 words on the book I’m writing this month. It’s been really interesting doing the writing for it, because each time I sit down to write, it reminds me of what I’m told it’s like to run. The first five to twenty minutes are painful, and I’m watching the seconds count down until I’ve finished the timer. When they run out, though, I find that I’ve suddenly hit a stride, and the words start flowing really easily. I honestly stop wanting to finish writing, which is a nice place to be.

Anyways, as of writing this post I’m at 48177 words, which is less than ideal. That means I’ve written around ten thousand words since the 7th of April, which as I read it seemed like far too slow of a pace. When I look at the time breakdown, though, that is an average of around 20000 words a month, so that’s nice.

I’m at an interesting point in the story. There are a bunch of plot points that I want to get to, but I really don’t want to end the plot points I’m currently writing. Being less vague, the protagonist is currently at home, and will soon be forced to go to magic school. Whenever he ends up at the magic school, the focus of those around him will certainly shift, which will be a fun way to change what I’m writing about. That being said, I really enjoy the part of the book I’m at now, for all that nothing really happens any more.

I recently read a piece of advice that said that if you don’t have the numbers actually perfect for time, make sure to use very vague words for the passage of time so you can’t be wrong. I haven’t been doing that recently, because I had the main character doing actions that were tracked daily. I hope that I managed to make a fairly convincing in-world argument for why he would stop doing them, but fundamentally it doesn’t really matter I guess. No one but one person reads the book right now,1 and he didn’t complain, which means it wasn’t horrible, at least. Anyways, it’s back to writing the novel for me now.

  1. if readers would like a copy to read feel free to ask↩︎