
I'm just copying my father


Bad Days

First Published: 2022 January 24

Draft 1

There are days of my life which seem to fly by, filled with joy and productivity. There are days of my life where I feel sick, and feel myself recover, even though nothing major happens. And, there are days like today, where everything just feels slightly off. I’m hopeful that this time tomorrow I’ll feel like my normal, energized self again.

It’s the first day of classes, which is exciting and fun. It’s the second to last day that my upperclassman is in town for a while, which is sad. It’s1 the first day in a while I’ll get to leave a like letter. So, I really hope that I wake up tomorrow filled with joy and excitement for the day.

At the very least, I’d love to feel something. Today is one of those days where all I really feel is exhausted, which is sad since I did next to nothing today.

This is only one hundred and sixty2 words, which is nowhere near my goal. I wish I cared enough to keep going.

  1. potentially↩︎

  2. or so↩︎