
I'm just copying my father


On Being Seen

First Published: 2023 December 19

Draft 1

I find that it’s always interesting to learn how others see me. I’d like to think that my own self image of myself hasn’t changed over the years, for all that I know that it has. Without delving too deeply into those, it’s been a long and fun journey to really feel like myself in my own skin, which is something I’m glad for.

But, this musing isn’t about how I see myself. It’s about how others see me. I recently realized, after a few conversations, that the way I am perceived is far different than it once was.

Through high school, I think that I was seen mostly as a member of my family. That’s fair, and that hasn’t really changed.1 However, that was mostly among people who were, if not friends, then at least one link from a friend or family member. When people saw me not as a member of my family, I know that one of the most common thoughts was that I looked like a football player.2

Even through college, those were both common statements a common statement. More than that, though, I know that I was often viewed as someone who enjoyed violent sports.3 The other day, though, I was at a rugby field with some graduate school friends, I made a comment about how I was considering trying rugby.4 The friends I was with both expressed surprise, which made sense to me, at first.

After all, I have never once expressed interest in rugby before, as far as they knew.5

However, that was not where the confusion lay. My friends both expressed shock that I would be interested in a physical6 sport.7

That made me curious. I realized that many of the people I’ve met since starting graduate school express surprise when I tell them that people used to think of me as physically intimidating. I’m only now8 realizing that this might have been less an expression of how friendly I am, and more a reflection of a change in the way that I’m generally viewed.

The next day, a friend was apparently talking about me to someone who didn’t know me. My friend described me with many of the common descriptors.9 Someone who knew both my friend and the new person commented that I have a nice smile.

I did smile when I heard that.

I don’t disagree with the idea that I have a nice smile.10 However, I know that in high school, I was very uncomfortable with my smile. I would do everything in my power to avoid smiling in photos. It does make it a little awkward to show photos of high school me to friends now, though.

Returning to the point, I’m realizing that the way I am perceived frequently differs from the way that people in my life say that they perceive me. I’m sure that there’s some introspection I can do about that, and may in the future.11

Daily Reflection:

  1. literally the other day a person approached me on the street and went “are you a (insert last name (not that any of you reading this blog couldn’t immediately figure out my last name) here)?”, which was wild, given that I’m, as far as I know, the only member of my family to have spent more than a week in the city↩︎

  2. to be fair, I was a football player from middle school through the end of high school, and it was absolutely the sport I felt the most connection to, for all that it’s absolutely not the sport I was objectively best at↩︎

  3. every time that I use that phrase I feel like it’s the wrong one.↩︎

  4. or something similar, I don’t exactly remember↩︎

  5. little do they know that one of my favorite babysitters (not the famous movie star) growing up was a rugby player↩︎

  6. is that the right word? I don’t think so.↩︎

  7. I think that I’m averaging about a footnote per sentence, which says a lot about what I’m thinking in this post↩︎

  8. literally as I write this blog post↩︎

  9. much as I wish that it was one, that did not include “incredibly attractive”. It did, however, include that I dove, like board games, am getting a graduate degree, and do music. It’s a pretty fair summary↩︎

  10. and not just because it’s rude to disagree with people. I do actually like my smile↩︎

  11. not tonight, though, because I’m tired↩︎

  12. I suppose there’s an implicit thing that I’m dancing around↩︎