
I'm just copying my father


On Celtic Knots

First Published: 2022 October 26

Draft 1

As I’ve mentioned before, I like crocheting Celtic knots. I also like drawing them. One issue I often have with them, though, is that extant knotwork often has motifs other than just an interwoven strand.

A very common motif is some sort of animal shape, which I’ve always struggled to draw. So, recently I decided it would be fun to learn how to draw a dragon,1 so that I could make better2 knotwork.

It went really slowly at first. Every dragon I drew looked somewhat goofy, which I only realized later was because of a lack of details.3 Eventually I figured out how to draw nice4 dragon heads, and even made a convincing knot or two with them. Then I decided to learn to draw wings, for some reason.

I’ve always struggled with wings, probably because of the inherent need for a 3D perspective. For whatever reason, though, this time I drew good enough wings within like 15 minutes of trying, which is fun. Anyways, I’m enjoying the Celtic knot resurgence in my life.

  1. or at least a dragon head↩︎

  2. read: more interesting↩︎

  3. at least the way I was drawing them↩︎

  4. read: looks mean↩︎