
I'm just copying my father



First Published: 2022 January 8

Draft 1

Something major that I’ve started doing since stopping my blog last is yarn craft. The spring break after I got back from London, one of my fellow Grinnell Singers taught me1 how to knit.

When I returned to work at the math lab, my boss asked if I wanted to learn crochet. I did, and found that I significantly preferred crochet to knitting, mostly because it is much more freeform. With knitting, you’re by and large limited to rectangular shapes due to the nature of using two needles to put stitches on and off.

Crochet, on the other hand, is primarily left off of the hook, so you can craft whatever shape you’d want much more easily. Anyways, in 2021 I don’t think I crocheted much of anything, but in the first few days of 2022 I started again, and I forgot how good it is as a destresser2.

  1. and much of the rest of the bus/choir↩︎

  2. not a distresser↩︎