
I'm just copying my father


First Day of Class

First Published: 2022 September 7

Draft 1

Today was the first day of the new semester and academic year. Unlike my last post about a new semester, I didn’t see friends. I also didn’t have any class today.1

Instead, I started my day by TA’ing, which looks like it’ll be fun. I’m helping with the graduate instrumental course, which I’m very excited for. Tomorrow I have my first actual class period, which I’m also pumped for.

In other exciting news, I got free breakfast2 and lunch3 from different organizations giving things to students today. I also gave blood, and got a t-shirt for that, along with other various knick-knacks from a fair.

Of course, there were some not bright parts of the day. On my walk to work I saw some horrible anti-semitic hate chalked brightly and in large letters in a central campus location. That didn’t really set me up for a happy day. While giving blood they missed my vein and wandered around for a while, jabbing the muscle more than once.4

But, I’ll move on from the less than happy and back to the joyful. I found out my band is planning to play a song I wrote next Monday!5 I got a free donut from someone whose birthday it was, and I got to go to a meet-and-chat with the person who discovered pulsars. I also finally placed requests for the different books which explain early thoughts on the harmony of the spheres.

All in all, this semester is shaping up to be a fun one!

  1. pun intended↩︎

  2. coffee and a granola bar and a bagel with cream cheese↩︎

  3. cheesy bread↩︎

  4. my arm still hurts and I’m not sure if it’s supposed to.↩︎

  5. now I need a title↩︎