
I'm just copying my father


Flash Fiction Friday

First Published: 2023 December 1

Draft 1

It’s another Friday, which means that it’s time for another edition of “I try to do Flash Fiction Friday”! This week, the friend I did NaNo with is joining, which should be fun. The theme is nebulous roads.

My initial thought, as always happens when there’s a word immediately preceding roads, is to do a parody of John Denver’s seminal work. I’ll keep the fun part of that energy in mind as I work on the actual project, for all that I don’t know quite what I’m going to do. I know that I need to do a sonnet today, so there’s a voice in my head that says I should work on a sonnet, and I might as well let that voice win for at least a little while. Unlike normal, where I hand write sonnets, today I’m going to try typing it out.1

What are nebulous roads? The prompt suggests they could be real roads that are obscured by fog as easily as they could be roads that do not, strictly speaking, exist.

I find that I am drawn to the idea of a desire path right now. They aren’t roads in the strictest sense, instead being passages worn by the repeated choice of people to take a shortcut. Most of the time, they are not a function of a single person. The single exception is probably on fresh snow. The way that a clear night on fresh snow looks is something completely unique and almost ethereal, and that feels like a good place to start.

One draft of a sonnet through, I already remember why I don’t always write in sonnet form. For all that it’s nice to have something so rigid, I do really like the option to have triple meter. There’s absolutely a part of me begging to delve into the fact that even time is now considered the standard, while in early music, triple meter was considered the perfect version. That’s too far from the prompt, though, so that lecture will be reserved for another day.

The rest of the day passed far too quickly, and so I will not be revising the sonnet again.

I think something that could be helpful for me2, given how long the daily reflection is, is to go through the list often throughout the day, so I have more reminders.

  1. because the writing app I use is incredibly motivating to me, and honestly basically no other reason.↩︎

  2. I’m writing this after “lecture will be reserved” even though it’s going to come at the end of the post↩︎