
I'm just copying my father


Mind Drains

First Published: 2022 February 23

Draft 1

When I’m not in mentally draining situations I often forget how easily mentally drained I am, and what situations can drain me effectively. Today I had a reminder of what can cause it very easily. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I was very engrossed in a book yesterday. I almost finished it before I went to bed last night, which was a little more than an hour past my bed time, itself an hour past when I like to be off of my devices.

So there is one effective way to set myself up for mental exhaustion: going to bed late.

A second thing is that I procrastinated an assignment with a hard deadline of today until today. The homework was very mentally taxing, made more-so by the looming deadline I had while working. When I felt my mental strain start to build, I realized that I would not have time to finish the assignment before its due date.

Point two and three: Do mentally exhausting work and do not give yourself a break during it.

I also realized that I was missing some files that I really need, and I am still not totally sure where they went.

Point four: existential dread.

Finally, after I turned in my homework, I remembered that I have another, similar assignment due tomorrow.

Point five: knowing you will repeat it again. Anyways, I really hope that I will be better about keeping my schedule in mind in the future, because everything suffers in my life when I don’t take care of any part of it.