
I'm just copying my father


Novel Update

First Published: 2022 February 19

Draft 1

Do I feel guilty that I almost exclusively write about the other writing I do? A little bit.

Will that stop me? Not today apparently.

I’ve finally gotten far enough into the novel that I feel comfortable breaking into chapters. This is a bit of a double edged sword, though. I want my chapters to be around 1500-2500 words a piece. I also want to write around 2000 words a day. If your mind is going to the same place as mine, that means I’d be writing about 7 chapters a week.

That doesn’t feel sustainable for me, if only because only one author that I follow publishes at that pace. However, I feel like right now I’m able to keep it up, and it’s1 always better to have more to revise from than less. I think I might try to use one day a week to edit, just so that everything flows well and the story arc works well, but who knows? Maybe I’ll just give up on the idea of a good story soon.

  1. I think and hope↩︎