
I'm just copying my father


Novel Update

First Published: 2022 April 7

Draft 1

I’ve kept up with writing the novel since I last talked about it here. I’m no longer spending time plotting chapters before writing them, which is also working surprisingly well for me. I’ve written more than 100,000 words of it.1

I started posting the book to a website about the time I stopped blogging,2 and it’s gotten nearly forty thousand views, which is incredible to me. Anyways, that’s most of my update for that book.

I’ve also started writing another book, which I’m doing for a writing competition. The goal is to write 55,555 words in 5 weeks, and I’m so far on track for it. It’s been fun to try to stretch myself by writing more!

  1. which, side note, is an insane number of words to me especially since I’m not even through where I had been on my first draft.↩︎

  2. which may or may not be linked as I think about it↩︎