
I'm just copying my father


Pathfinder Session 0

First Published: 2022 March 15

Draft 1

Tonight I got to do session 0 for a Pathfinder 2e campaign. I’m going to play a Gnomish Wizard, and more than that we’re still settling. I had my normal issue while building the character, which is that I saw the option to know a lot of languages and had to resist the build where I would have 13 languages at first level.1 Instead, I only know nine, which feels really sad. I did, however, take the ability to speak with any burrowing creature, which is kind of fun.

Honestly, building a character in Pathfinder 2e is a much different experience than in DnD 5e. There are way more options which is great, because I can build exactly what I want, but horrible because I don’t know what I want. I get I think an average of more than a feat per level, which is pretty cool because it means that every Wizard can look different2. I need to come up with a backstory for my Gnome3, which might be the topic of a future post.

  1. Gnome (3 languages) 20 intelligence (4 languages) multilingual from translator (2 languages), Gnome Polyglot (3, +1 for multilingual)↩︎

  2. even if they won’t.↩︎

  3. and a name I guess↩︎