
I'm just copying my father


On Reading Continued

First Published: 2022 July 6

Draft 1

Yesterday the newest book in a series I1 really enjoy was released. It’s book eleven in the series, and so I prepared in the way I tend to for new additions to a series: I reread the prior books. I found that I again completely misestimated the amount of time it would take me.

It feels like every time I reread a series to prepare for a release I panic at first. “Oh no,” I think, “I’ve started too late. I’m not going to make it to the new book in time.” Then, inevitably, I get to the last book and have to stretch it to the release of the new one.

This pattern was repeated, but it was really fun. I got to see plot threads that I’d missed on prior read-throughs that were picked up and woven in to the latest two books, and I just enjoy the series generally. I tore through the newest book, but I’m listening through it now because I really want to make sure I got all of the content.

  1. most of my family, and some of my friends↩︎