
I'm just copying my father


What I Read and Wrote

First Published: 2024 January 5 (because I forgot to post, not bc forgot to write.

Draft 1

It’s been another week, which means that I get this week’s version of what I’ve been reading and writing. I’ve read basically nothing over the past week, which is a little sad. It is also Christmastide still, so I guess that it doesn’t surprise me that much, and it isn’t really that bad of a thing.

However, I did just start reading the extended Percy Jackson Universe book about Nico and Will, so we’ll see how fun that ends up being. Once I’ve finished that, it will probably be more or less time for me to go back to the actual reading goals that I have.

In terms of writing, I mused about the album that I’d like to write, and I’ve started thinking about the album’s content. I’ve also managed to continue with daily musings, filled a few pages in my lab notebook with notes, and I’ve written two chapters of my web novel.1 I think that’s everything!

Oh wait! I’ve also been working on some of my Saturday musings. That really is everything, which is a little bit disheartening, but I suppose doing this every week should hopefully keep me at least somewhat accountable for how much I’m reading and writing. Time to do another draft of one of the musings, I suppose.

  1. that is, I was well ahead by writing a chapter two days in a row, and then I haven’t really written since. I was worried about boom and bust, and it seems like that was a reasonable concern.↩︎