
I'm just copying my father


Yearly Reflection

First Published: 2024 January 1

Draft 2

Happy New Year! It has been basically a year to the day since my last yearly reflection. Last year I did five things that I was excited for and five things that I was excited to have done in the previous year. So, five things that I am excited for in the upcoming year:

Five things not on last year’s list that I’m glad I did,

Last year I also had five items that I was excited for!

I had a number of goals for last year, and I generally did not do a great job with them.3

This upcoming year, as with every year, I have any number of goals, however (un)reasonable they may be.

That’s far more than I think might be reasonable, and so I will hope that I can make it through everything, increasing in productivity constantly.

Let’s move on to the other portion of the reflection, which is the monthly reflection. I think that monthly goals remain useful for constructing my month in the way that I would like to live it.

Goals for the upcoming month:

Anyways, goals for the upcoming month, which should hopefully reflect my goals for the upcoming year.

Draft 1

So, it’s been a year.6 I’m planning to work on this in a few drafts, so let’s take a page from last year’s yearly reflection and do five things I was grateful for last year and five things I’m excited for this year.

Last year I thought that I would be excited for:

All of those tasks that I did accomplish were things that I am glad I did. Other highlights from the year,10

That is all very exciting! What am I looking forward to in 2024?

Ok cool, that also includes some of my goals for 2024. Turns out I did set goals for 2023, I just put them in a separate document. My goals last year were to:

Last year I wanted to make an effort to learn species counterpoint better. I don’t think that this is a goal that I am going to take with me to 2024. I’ve briefly talked about it before, but to recap: I do want to compose, but mostly for my own solo performance, rather than traditional choral composition. I don’t think that there are enough hours in the day, days in the week, or weeks in the year for me to explore everything that I want, so I need to prioritize.

What else are things that I want to work on or do this year?

I said in my 25 for 25 post that I want to learn how to weave, swim a mile, take an improv class, learn a polka on the accordion, and spin yarn. Those all remain things that I think that I want to do. Let’s see what I think that I would need to accomplish each of the tasks:

What else do I want to accomplish?

Wow that’s a lot of things that I want to do. I guess that I should either reduce the goals or increase my productivity. Those both sound like a lot of work, so we’ll see what ends up happening. For now, time to look away from this and do work for the day, rather than looking months into the future.

  1. this was something from last year, but it remains true↩︎

  2. well, at least I think that I improved in terms of quality↩︎

  3. feel free to read the last draft if you’d like more details↩︎

  4. with the disclaimer that I may not post the ones I don’t like↩︎

  5. I would ideally like that to happen, for all that I don’t really expect it to work↩︎

  6. since the last year, I guess. It’s been more than a year since a lot of things have occurred and far less than a year since others have happened↩︎

  7. total chapter views divided by chapters↩︎

  8. given the opportunity to? Kind of both↩︎

  9. arguably good for me, especially if they dislike the parts of me that I personally like↩︎

  10. because it feels kind of wrong to double count↩︎

  11. slightly different, but it felt so different, because it was a completely wild experience where I just got peppered with questions about literally anything (in retrospect, introducing the idea of quantum uncertainty may have been a mistake)↩︎

  12. well, at least I think that I improved in terms of quality↩︎

  13. ideally, at least. I think that I’m close, and it should be very doable↩︎

  14. This is something I said last year, but it remains true this year↩︎

  15. I think that they call themselves a university, at least. Wow I need to start working on that talk↩︎

  16. he really is the brains of the family↩︎

  17. I remembered recently (read: my family reminded me) that many people expect an album to tell a story over the course of its songs. I should probably try to have mine do that, but of course, that is a goal that I am willing to give up on if it becomes untenable↩︎

  18. not going to confirm that right now↩︎

  19. also, 2023 lasted just forever, and I can’t recall what things I did then and what things I didn’t do since 2022↩︎

  20. not to be confused with all right↩︎

  21. or will have given me, as the case may be (don’t ask)↩︎