
I'm just copying my father


Monthly Reflection

First Published: 2023 September 3

Draft 1

And, like sand through an hourglass, my own hours have passed silently by. Whoops, that’s a little maudlin. Let’s try opening again.

Like the moon which rises and falls each day, waxing and waning over the course of a month, my own month was filled with intermediate highs and lows.1

August, like a summer’s day, felt so long in the moment and yet so short upon reflection.2 I gave my last few3 talks for the summer! I went to a concert!4 I went to a play!

I turned twenty five! I gave my accordion away to be repaired. I competed in a pinball tournament! I went to a friend’s thesis defense!

I wrote a few letters. I swam in a Great Lake!5 I visited my family!

Ok, so in retrospect, I suppose that I did actually do a lot. It still doesn’t feel like it, but as they6 say, c’est la vie.

Let’s see how that list compares with what I said I was excited for.

Looking at last month’s goals:10

Things that I’m excited for this month:13

Using last month’s goals, things I am excited about,18, and my goals for this year of life as inspiration, this month’s goals:19

Given these goals, the questions that I will need to answer each day:

And, as a day in September30, today’s responses:

Oof, that was a bit of a marathon post. Sorry.

  1. still too needlessly poetic, but I suppose it’s good enough. No, on second thought, let’s try a third time.↩︎

  2. Yeah, that’s great.↩︎

  3. final reflection to come!↩︎

  4. which I don’t think that I’ve reviewed. I may or may not.↩︎

  5. and was beside a different one last night↩︎

  6. I, every month, at least once↩︎

  7. to my face at least↩︎

  8. wow!↩︎

  9. for those not in academia, don’t ask. For those in academia, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.↩︎

  10. commentary removed↩︎

  11. so 11 instead of 8. The actual goal was more words, but I did end up another 12 percent less on word count. (it occurs to me that a motivated reader could, in theory, use the word counts and percent decreases I’ve given in my musings to figure out how many words I wrote last month. If you’re the first one to do so and tell me, I’ll get you an ice cream, or something of equivalent value↩︎

  12. read: I recorded a voicemail while driving↩︎

  13. assume that this was written on the first, so I’ll talk about things that have happened since.↩︎

  14. I did it on the first! I think I pr’d↩︎

  15. did that this morning/early afternoon. (it was a long swim time↩︎

  16. I am ninety percent sure I’ve used the program name in this blog before, but if I haven’t, this will not be the first time. I did it, in fact, last night! It went really well. Without (many) spoilers, there were like seventy people again!↩︎

  17. depending on bureaucracy↩︎

  18. which I retroactively added above this sentence↩︎

  19. excluding things I’ve already done↩︎

  20. to say nothing of my mental health.↩︎

  21. taking a nap↩︎

  22. from now on, at least↩︎

  23. which as of now, I have seventy two (I think, off by one errors are quintessential to my experience as a counter) chapters left, and I’m falling behind on the (completely minimal) plot that I’ve meant to write↩︎

  24. which feels like a reasonable number↩︎

  25. since I, you know, didn’t record any last month↩︎

  26. original arrangements of folk songs are maybe allowed. I’m also going to need to decide how I feel about an instrumental song with CGS (Computer generated sound). I think positive, as long as I actually put some effort into mixing, especially since that’s where almost all of the sounds are going to have to come from, since I don’t own/know how to play many of the instruments that I would like to include on the album↩︎

  27. I initially wrote ten, but that’s insane. I’m not going to generate 280 (since it’s the third) things I like about myself. That feels a little too much. 190 seems much more reasonable.↩︎

  28. starting now↩︎

  29. honestly such a fun question because I can really only answer it in the positive↩︎

  30. how is it already -ber months??↩︎

  31. I still have no idea what the right term for this is↩︎

  32. see: camping↩︎

  33. and, importantly, actually follow that plotting, rather than this last chapter where I added fifteen hundred (maybe only a thousand) words about the MC’s family because of a review.↩︎

  34. like straight 8ths, parsimonious voice leading through the chords I’m going to use in the song↩︎