
I'm just copying my father



First Published: 2022 January 1

Draft 2

I just finished a read through1 of the blog on here. It’s really interesting to see a glimpse into my life three-ish years ago. I noticed a couple of major things. First, it’s really fun to me that I’ve basically just caught back up to the point in the liturgical season we’re at because readings loop every three years. Second, seeing my public2 comments on different portions of my life let me remember some of the parts of my days I didn’t write which is fantastic.

Since my last end of/beginning of year post had five things I was most grateful for and the same number things I was looking forward to, in 20213 I was most grateful for4:

  1. Meeting fantastic people, including a special person in my life

  2. Composing again (for the first time since graduating)

  3. Really learning about my research5

  4. Got vaccinated!

  5. Presented at my first conference as a graduate student!

Five things that I’m looking forward to6 in 2022 are7:

  1. Passing my Thesis Background Exam

  2. Growing deeper in my relationships

  3. Continuing this blog again8

  4. Taking a class on the interstellar medium9

  5. Growing more independent in my research

Going into 2019, I never could have predicted what fantastic things would happen,10 though all five of the events I was hoping for11 happened and were wonderful, so I can only assume the same will be true in 2022.

Anyways, since this blog more or less exists nowhere visible anymore, this may be functionally a virtual diary. I’m excited for it nonetheless.

Posts I’m planning12 include:

Anyways, happy 2022!

Draft 1

It’s been a little under three years since the last time I wrote on here. It seems like it might be a good time to restart for a variety of reasons, which may be elaborated on further. This post is very short because my goal is relearning how to update my blog

  1. read-through?↩︎

  2. ish↩︎

  3. wow it’s weird that it’s 2022↩︎

  4. in no particular order↩︎

  5. I joined my research group in November of 2020, but had minimal idea what my research would look like before January↩︎

  6. hopefully happening↩︎

  7. again, in no particular order↩︎

  8. the older I get the more I feel like ’blog might be the correct spelling↩︎

  9. expect posts a la this↩︎

  10. getting the opportunity to do research that fascinated me, and so much more that is flying out of my mind right now↩︎

  11. other than debatably the “learning the accordion” item↩︎

  12. for my own reference↩︎

  13. also probably an explanation of why I’d study for that↩︎