
I'm just copying my father


Science Bowl

First Published: 2022 February 5

Draft 1

Today I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer with the Wisconsin Regional Middle School Science Bowl1. I really love volunteering for this event, and loved doing so last year. In part, it’s fascinating for me to realize how much science2 I’ve forgotten since I was younger and took biology adjacent classes. In part, it reminds me of when I was in high school, and the incredibly fun times I had participating in the science bowl and preparing for it with friends. In part, I really love the opportunity to watch young scientists develop their love for science. In part I just love competitions and trivia, so competitive trivia is incredible. And finally, in part I just like volunteering.

All this leads to the perfect storm of a morning and afternoon spent reading between 18 and 36 questions a round to each of the participating teams. My fellow roommates3 were both members of my research group, which is really exciting. I found, in mentioning that I blog, that if you are somewhat careful about your link clicking, you still can find my blog from my home site.

You just have to go to scores, click the “maintained by rebelskyj” link, and then it takes you to my personal GitHub account, which is where all of these posts are stored.4 Anyways, that’s a side note.

All this to say, I loved volunteering for the science bowl, and I’m very excited to do so again next year!

  1. Who knows if that’s actually what it is called, but that’s what I remember it as↩︎

  2. almost exclusively biology based↩︎

  3. volunteers in the same room as me, a term I have invented here↩︎

  4. It is a little interesting to me that I’ve shifted from calling them musings, like my inspiration, into posts, like the standard usage is.↩︎