
I'm just copying my father



First Published: 2022 January 15

Draft 1

I’ve written before about how I make toffee, but I made it again for the first time in a long while today, and that seemed appropriate to blog about here. As before, the recipe is 1:1 sugar and butter, heated to hot then cooled. This time, however, as I have too much chocolate, I decided to make the toffee the way most of the internet suggests I should: chocolate covered. It came out well!

I guess it’s unsurprising that a recipe which1 is just 1 part chocolate, sugar, and butter, could come out well. Nonetheless, it was really fun to see that I can, in fact, make things taste good. I unfortunately didn’t let my chocolate cool enough before mixing it into the cookie dough but that’s life I suppose, I’ll have moreso chocolate than chocolate chip cookie.

  1. allegedly, I did not measure the chocolate↩︎