
I'm just copying my father


Universe in the Park Part 3

First Published: 2023 July 18

Draft 1

The time between UitP posts is decreasing. Thankfully,1 I’ve got a fairly long break before the next one.

This past trip was two State Parks, one of which I spoke at last year, and the other of which I had never been to before. The talks contained identical slides2, but some lovely people3 who went to both said that the content of the talks was wildly different. There were fewer questions, though the attendance was worse than before, so that makes some amount of sense. In defense of the world: the first talk happened just after a thunderstorm that took out power in the entire area and downed a tree near where I was speaking. The second talk was double booked against a number of concerts.

I still had a fantastic time, though. I got to spend time beside a fantastic body of water.4 Both nights managed to clear up in time for star gazing, which means that I went from being one in four talks successfully stargazing to three of six. One more and I hit a majority.

Iteration continues to be true, and I’ve now done four of nine for the summer. There’s a tenth that remains tempting, and a tentative winter talk, but those shall come or not as they’re meant to.5

For monthly goals:


  1. for my sanity and research productivity, not for the sake of this blog. I would happily make this blog about the many wonderful talks and people I get to give and meet respectively (the talks are rarely wonderful, though the parks always are. I suppose I should’ve said parks I’ve seen)↩︎

  2. barring date, as before↩︎

  3. read: my family↩︎

  4. a lake some could even call pretty great↩︎

  5. I started the sentence so well with T but that fell apart.↩︎

  6. technically I sang a song draft but↩︎

  7. overly long↩︎