
I'm just copying my father


Why I Dive

Draft 2

When people find out that I dive, a frequent question is why. There are a variety of reasons for that. The most common1 reason for this is that I don’t look like a diver. That is, many people seem to think2 that I am much larger than the average diver. The other reason people seem disbelieving is that I’m not too terribly flexible. I don’t disagree with either assessment, but they don’t affect my choice for one key reason: I dive because I enjoy it, not because I dream of being the best. If my size becomes a limit for how fast I can spin, that’s fine because I don’t need to be throwing 407B.3 Another reason I enjoy diving is that people really seem to appreciate watching the dives where I fail.4 If I’m being honest, I’m one of them.

Draft 1

When people find out that I dive, a frequent question is why. There are a variety of reasons for that. The most common5 reason for this is that I don’t look like a diver. That is, many people seem to think6 that I am much larger than the average diver. The other reason people seem disbelieving is that I’m not too terribly flexible. Both of these are valid reasons for me to not dive, but they don’t stop me. Instead, I dive because I enjoy it, and I never expect to be great at it. If my size becomes a limit for how fast I can spin, that’s fine because I don’t need to be throwing 407B.7 I dive because I enjoy it.

  1. given↩︎

  2. not incorrectly↩︎

  3. inward (face board and flip in) 3 1/2 pike (straight legs)↩︎

  4. in person and in recordings↩︎

  5. given↩︎

  6. not incorrectly↩︎

  7. inward (face board and flip in) 3 1/2 pike (straight legs)↩︎