
I'm just copying my father


Even More Writer’s Block

First Published: 2022 February 26

Draft 1

Today as I tried to write this post I felt a different sort of writer’s block than the other two times that I’ve had it for the blog. In both of those cases, I felt as though I had no ideas for what to write.

Today, that does not feel true for me. I have a couple of ideas for posts I could write, but they don’t feel like they belong here.

I read through an old post where I mentioned that I might want to write a musical piece featuring silly putty. I’m sure that writing about that could be interesting, but I don’t have silly putty with me to write the post. My group did all get slime for Valentine’s Day, so I guess I’m now within easy access of that, though I no longer plan to write that piece.

I thought about writing about the way my life is different than how I think of it. I never really consciously chose to move away from music in the way that I have, so it makes me really sad that music has become such a1 small part of my life. Thoughts have yet to percolate enough in my mind for the coffee of that idea to be worth drinking.2

I thought about reflecting on the way that I very much did not follow what I said I would do at the end of January, but that should really wait for the end of month reflection.

Finally, I thought about another update on the book I’m writing, but not a lot has really changed there, and I don’t really like this blog being a commentary on that writing as I do it. So, despite the 2923 non-footnoted words, I don’t really know what to say here. I guess I do find it interesting which of my posts get more and less footnoted. I have been relying less on footnotes in recent posts, which is either a good sign that I am maturing as a writer and no longer feel the need for gimmicks, or a sign that I’ve been mentally exhausted constantly. I’m personally really hoping it’s the former not the latter.

  1. relatively, I am still in 3 choirs and tend to make music 4-6 days a week for and with other people↩︎

  2. wow that’s a forced metaphor↩︎

  3. yes, I waited to write that number until I had the correct count↩︎