
I'm just copying my father


On Writing Again

First Published: 2023 July 26

Draft 1

Wow one month to the day since my last post on writing. I guess I should look at what I thought then, before entering into what I wanted to write about.1

I still use Stimuwrite for my writing, and it remains a really good motivator. It’s somehow good enough that it’s kept me going this whole summer. I am absolutely more efficient with it now, because the numbers going up give me dopamine rushes, which are really nice.

I am still absolutely atrocious at writing poetry.2 I should figure out why that is. I’m sure that it has something to do with my lack of schedule anymore, but that’s just an idea.

I have continued writing letters to friends, which has been great.3 I’ve stopped counting those words in my word goals, which feels healthy.

I also have absolutely not been journaling in the slightest. I don’t really think that’s an issue, though, because I haven’t felt particularly disconnected from myself lately. I think the grounding of writing to friends helps a lot.

Interestingly, every sentence in this musing, other than the first, begins with the letter “I”, and almost all of them are the word. I guess it is a self reflection, so that makes some amount of sense.

Anyways, on to the real content of this musing. I recently got a fountain pen, and have been using it for the analog writing I do. It’s an interesting transition, for a few reasons.

First, it’s a little thicker than the utensils i’ve been using lately. Despite being labeled as ultrafine, it’s still about thirty percent wider than the nibs I’m used to. It’s also a lot heavier than my pencils and pens, which is a welcome change, though one that takes some adjustment. Getting ink to run has been a little more difficult than expected, though I’m hopeful that will change in the future. All in all, I’m very excited to see what comes of my new writing implement.4


  1. fountain pen↩︎

  2. I mean atrocious to modify the action of creating, which I do not do, not the quality of the product (which is also low I feel like)↩︎

  3. I feel like it might have been smart to record who all I sent letters to, though that obviously didn’t happen↩︎

  4. Maybe I’ll even be inspired to write more.↩︎

  5. at some point I’m going to worry that I’ve thought I sent a letter but didn’t or that someone will see that I’ve sent everyone around them a letter but not them and they’ll think I don’t value them. That is absolutely a problem for J(I don’t know if my first name is explicitly associated with this blog yet) when that occurs.↩︎