
I'm just copying my father


Family Book Club

First Published: 2023 August 28

Draft 1

Apparently I’ve never written about my family’s book club.1 That doesn’t necessarily mean that I haven’t but I can’t find it, so it doesn’t count right now.

So, what is the family book club?2 Well, you need to come with me back to the far off time of 2018?3 My father messaged one of our family group chats4 about a book he thought we should all read.5 I6 then replied that we should have a family book club. The rest of my family agreed, and so we have all taken turns7 choosing a book for us all to read.

Each book club begins with a few standard questions.8

We all give a thumbs up, down, or to the side for whether we enjoyed the book or not. The one who chose the book says why they picked it. We all give our big picture opinions on the book.

Then, because we exclusively read digitally, we go through the ebook that we have all annotated9 and read through each comment and highlight. We usually have pizza while we do our club, though that is not mandatory. Reading through all the comments almost always takes far longer than the pizza does to be consumed, and it often ends in a bit of a drag.

In total, we’ve read twenty five books for book club.10 Ten of them have been what I would classify as self help books, which is kind of fun, I suppose. Since we’ve now gone through 25 in about five years, I suppose we do each really have an average of a single book per person per year, wow. There’s been one non-fiction, and the rest of the books are all fantasy.11

Most recently, we did a marathon of three book clubs back to back to back in a single night. It was really fun, for all that the books were not all universally loved.12 Well, c’est la vie. I’m excited for our next book club, whenever it happens.

  1. based on the search of book-club.html not turning anything up↩︎

  2. technically there’s an opening word, which is our last name (which is, I guess, absolutely obvious if you’re on this site. Nonetheless, I shan’t be explicit about it↩︎

  3. I think↩︎

  4. because we have far too many↩︎

  5. Mindset, for those curious↩︎

  6. I think at least, others may claim that another member of the family said it instead↩︎

  7. going from oldest to youngest↩︎

  8. statements, I suppose↩︎

  9. which makes being the slow reader in the family rewarded, because you get to see everyone else’s takes on the book↩︎

  10. well, we’ve had 25 entries. One of the entries was books 2 through five in a series, and another was six-ten, so I don’t know if that’s really *a* book. One was also two children’s books↩︎

  11. that probably says something about my family, though I’m not sure what↩︎

  12. mine, in particular, was panned↩︎