
I'm just copying my father


On Fasting

First Published: 2022 February 23

Draft 1

Today is Ash Wednesday, which is a traditional day of fasting in the Catholic Church.1 Additionally, the Pope dedicated today as a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Ukraine. So, I found myself fasting today.

Something major that I’ve noticed about my fasting self is that I struggle to focus far more. I guess less so I struggle to focus and moreso that I struggle to begin working. Once I start working, I have been able to finish at least as much as normal, though maybe at a slower rate.

This gives me some interesting knowledge. Apparently if I am feeling unfocused and hazy in the future I should consider whether I’ve eaten enough recently.

Moving past my own experience of how fasting is less than ideal2 for my work life3, I do think that fasting helps me refocus my days. I haven’t done as good of a job today recentering myself when I feel hungry on faith, and I think that’s something that I can work about in the future. That’s something I could work on in the future I think, and it would probably make my life better for doing so.

  1. in case a single one of my readers was unaware↩︎

  2. which is not really the point of Ash Wednesday↩︎

  3. wow there are so many commentaries I could make here about American Grindset Culture↩︎