
I'm just copying my father


Monthly Reflection

First Written: 2023 October 3

Draft 1

Shoot, somehow it’s the end of October. I really feel like I blinked and suddenly the month has completely vanished.1 Despite the fact that this month is gone without any blog postings, I still managed to keep up my five a days.23 As a result, I can still give some highlights for the month.

This past month I:

Let’s see how that lines up with my things I was excited for from last month’s reflection.

Hey, that’s pretty close to overlap. As always, there are new and exciting things that I did not know I was going to do at the start of the month. I also set my standards incredibly low, which made it easy for the lists to overlap. Let’s see how we did against last month’s goals, though.

So, as expected, I did not do a great job on my goals. But, there’s always the future to improve, and that’s what my goal is now. Next month, I’m excited for the following:

Once again, a fairly small list, though one that’s spaced a little more over the month, which is probably good for me. Goals for the upcoming month:

This means that I’ll have a daily reflection that looks like:

  1. Of course, there are reasons for this (which I will not be discussing on this blog but it seems important for future me to remember) (also present me)↩︎

  2. I’m sure I’ve blogged about this before, but, in short, (hmm is that too many commas in a row? probably, at least in that the essay as a whole will suffer)↩︎

  3. with a few exceptions that I fixed↩︎

  4. I keep being told there’s a better way to frame this, but wow I cannot find it↩︎

  5. a live cast version, which was fun↩︎

  6. Saw this in my notes but wasn’t sure if I’d already mentioned it↩︎

  7. They were fun!↩︎

  8. mentioned↩︎

  9. I did not end up talking to kids much about careers, though I did enjoy talking to them↩︎

  10. I did not do that. Oops↩︎

  11. though I should really reach out to the prof and figure out what, exactly, that will entail↩︎

  12. I’m not entirely sure what about him, because I didn’t write that down, but the bishop will be there, which is cool↩︎

  13. unheard of, I know↩︎

  14. or, as I am right now, reclined with my arms cocked weirdly↩︎

  15. read: often↩︎